Rewilding and Wellbeing

This is a brief post, just to start to link those words together… rewilding and wellbeing.

In my research at Found Outdoors, I’ve been starting to think about my own wellbeing as well as learning about the site and its inhabitants, giving myself time to get to know the place and the impact that it has on me.

In addition, the sessions we are hoping to trial for young people later in the year (funding permitting), will use art to provide opportunities for them to learn about the site and its inhabitants, and provide potental benefits for their own wellbeing.

Then there’s the wellbeing of the ecosystem itself of course, and how it develops through the actions of Rich and Fiona, or the time and space that they give the land to develop.

Since my last visit, I’ve been gathering together all the different elements from this initial research period in my studio, while I start a funding application to support the residency. I’ve had some of the camera trap images printed too, which I’ll combine with the results of my on-site drawing experiments.

Over the festive period I’ve started exploring the relationship between rewilding and wellbeing and what they mean to me through small-scale drawings – small enough to squeeze in between cooking, playing and family time – I’ve added an image of work in progress using black walnut ink below.

Walnut Ink Drawing in Progress
Studio Image

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